
Haas Basic Mill Operator

Below is the Basic Mill Operator Course Curriculum. Please review the following points, prior to starting this course:

Courses are presented one chapter at a time, with individual topics presented in video format. Each video is followed by a corresponding quiz to test your understanding of the topic presented. You must pass the quiz for each topic to gain access to the next topic.

  • Start by viewing the Introduction to Haas Certification video below (there is no corresponding quiz)
  • To begin your course, select the first topic in Chapter 1, watch the video, and take the quiz
  • Once you have clicked the Take Quiz button, you will have 15 minutes to complete the quiz
  • You must score 100% on each quiz to pass, and gain access to the next topic; if you fail a quiz, you must retake it until you pass
  • Quizzes are straightforward, and based solely on the content presented in the corresponding video – there are no trick questions
  • Best of luck on your journey through the Haas Certification Program!

James Tabalujan - Haas Basic Mill Operator Feedback

I could tell that James had no experience running a machine but he follows instruction very well and was able to pass the hands on final. He safely started the program using Single Block and checking the Distance too go position at 5% rapid.

He could use some practice on a machine so he feels more comfortable with loading a part.


Needs practice with measuring tools like micrometer

-Ernie Simmons