
Jack Noordhoek - Haas Basic Mill Operator Feedback

Student stated that he could not remember watching the module videos during the test.

He also was incapable of touching off the tools and broke the touch off probe during the test.

The student had to ask a lot of questions during the testing.

  • He could not determine if the tools were in the machine in the right order for the program.
  • He could not measure the face mill to enter the approximate dia in the tool touch off.
  • He also showed difficulty finding the refractor meter in spite of it being on the tool box by the print. 
  • He was unsure of what it was the refractor meter would be used to check.

He had started at 9:45am and had to stop the test at 3:00pm due to breaking the tool probe.

Trainee User: 
Certificate Hash: 
Certification Center: 
University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville